Speaking the same language
Supertext created almost 50,000 words on 120 webpages for SWISS’s website. From practical topics such as baggage regulations to exciting product articles, it was important to develop a style suited to SWISS from the very start. The SWISS team sent out several writing tasks to determine this style, and Supertext rose to the challenge. All of the texts were then written by the chosen copywriter over several months and checked by a proofreader, so Supertext could guarantee a consistent style with a high recognition value. “The swiss.com website is a cut above other airlines’ sites thanks to Supertext’s language expertise. In a very short space of time, they understood exactly what we wanted to accomplish and adapted the language of our online and mobile world accordingly,” says Janos Heé, Head of E-Commerce at SWISS.
Delighting customers – and search engines
Just like any online text, the content for SWISS needed to capture the attention of existing and future customers – which meant it needed to be found by Google and other search engines. Internal SWISS SEO specialists therefore gave every page a keyword and a desired keyword density, which Supertext then used in the texts in a way that suited both readers and search engines.
An exciting project for a valued brand. With this project, SWISS joined the array of well-known Swiss brands –including swissmilk, Hiestand, Ovomaltine, Ochsner-Sport, Caotina, Migipedia and Zweifel Chips – for which Supertext has put in a good word.
Title image: Screenshot swiss.com