Globalization and digitalization have given the hotel industry a decisive advantage: millions of potential customers from all around the world. But how will those potential customers find you? Search engines, customer ratings and personal recommendations all help tourists discover your offers. But that doesn’t mean they’ll stay the night.
Hoteliers know their target group best
It’s important to note that international guests don’t just need information they can understand – they need information that speaks to their emotions. The quickest way to make someone feel welcome is to speak their language. A Japanese guest in a hotel in Germany will appreciate a こんにちは far more than they will a ‘Guten Tag’ or a ‘hello’.
Every area of expertise
Supertext maintains a network of mother-tongue translators in the tourism industry. We work with experts who know how to inspire wanderlust – in over 30 languages. Among other things, we translate: – marketing documents – website texts – press releases – menus – newsletters – social media texts – travel brochures Get your guests into bed with super translations. Find our price calculator here. We look forward to putting a good word in for you and your business. Please feel free to call us or arrange an obligation-free appointment.
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