
One million super words – Sanatrend puts its trust in Supertext for medical translations

The workflow, quality and pricing model sealed the deal.

Health, medicine, specialist retail – these topics form the basis of Supertext’s longstanding collaboration with Sanatrend, Switzerland’s leading healthcare publisher. With a circulation of around 625,000, Vista magazine informs the general public about a wide range of topics relating to health and healthcare. Sanatrend also publishes OTXWORLD, a top-class specialist magazine for the Swiss Rx and OTC market.

The partnership has grown steadily since Sanatrend’s first order in 2008. The main focus is the translation of around 20 editions of these magazines into French per year. The deadlines are always tight and the editorial schedule demanding. That means that good organization and efficient processes are essential.

“Tailor-made and considerably more relaxed”

“For us, the workflow is key. Thanks to Supertext and their tailor-made translation processes, we can achieve our goals in a considerably more relaxed manner,” says Alexandra Bucher, the client representative.

Here’s how it works: Sanatrend prepares its articles in an editorial system. Previously, individual Word documents were sent for translation and then manually copied back into the system – a time-consuming and error-prone process. The varying text lengths caused particular problems: the French texts were around 20 to 30% longer than the German originals. The strict layout therefore became a major challenge –

but it was one that Supertext had the solution for. Sanatrend now exports its articles from the editorial system as IDML files and feeds them seamlessly into the Supertext CAT tool. They also provide a final PDF version of the original German layout. The translator uses these to check the text length and its impact on the layout, as well as the linguistic correctness of the translation. Sanatrend no longer has to worry about design issues when importing the final texts. They simply fit. And consistent terminology is also provided for: together with the client, Supertext has created an online termbase that is used for all copywriting and translation jobs.

1,200 jobs – one million words

The combination of this workflow, internal expertise and a competitive pricing model sealed the deal, and in 2016, Sanatrend chose Supertext as its sole translation provider. The scale of the collaboration is impressive: Supertext has now handled more than 1,200 jobs for Sanatrend, and it hit the million-word mark this year.

Cover image via Sanatrend AG

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