Reverb rocks with Supertext

Reverb, the world’s most popular online marketplace for music gear, connects millions of musicians around the world with the help of Supertext. In Spanish, German, French, Japanese and the universal language – music.

Hitting the right notes

Founded by musicians for musicians, Reverb is a hub of creativity – and needs creative translations to match. Reverb started working with Supertext in 2016 as it prepared for its launch in Latin America. Kick-off meetings were followed by a translator casting to form a team of supertranslators and reviewers. They worked together to define the Reverb style, tonality and terminology, completing the website translation in a matter of a few weeks. The site went live in fall of 2016, just as the Reverb-er leading the project set off on tour with his hardcore punk band. Since then, the collaboration has gone from strength to strength to include websites, apps, articles and video subtitles.

Flying samurais and bananas basses

Reverb is more than a marketplace – it’s an online destination for musicians to meet, learn, and more. The company develops quality content to inform and inspire pro and amateur musicians alike, from tips on learning to play John Williams’ iconic Jurassic Park theme, making money selling pedals, or recreating the synth sounds of Stranger Things. Music fans flock to the site to read artist interviews and maybe even meet their favorite rock stars buying and selling their gear. And with Supertext, the content can be multilingual in no time. Rock on!

Title image by Reverb (CC0)

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