Supertext is Hirslanden’s new partner for content marketing research and implementation. “Expertise you can trust” is Hirslanden’s motto, and with this in mind, the group runs 18 private hospitals throughout Switzerland for a wide range of clients. It’s an environment where both the medical treatment and the service have to meet the highest possible standards.
And customer service doesn’t stop once patients have left the hospital – Hirslanden also prescribes a blog that gives them advice both during and after their hospital stay. Topics range from treatment methods for a slipped disc to movement when playing golf, through to tips for a healthy lifestyle and for preventing illness.
The doctor will see you now
Hirslanden routinely relies on Supertext to handle German and French entries during peak times, providing reinforcement for their internal copywriting staff. The blog makes medical expertise accessible to everyone. For this operation to succeed, our copywriters arrange a personal consultation with an expert from among Hirslanden’s 2,000 doctors prior to writing each blogpost. Together, they determine what medical details need to feature. Only then does the copywriter come up with suitable formats, keywords and phrases.
Curious? During October, to mark international women’s health month, Hirslanden is publishing numerous blog articles about women’s wellbeing, 11 of which were penned by Supertext.
Cover image via Hirslanden Private Hospital Group