There are plenty of translation management systems (TMS) out there, each with its own pros and cons. Memsource, Wordbee, memoQ, XTM, Smartcat, Transifex, GlobalLink, Smartling… the list goes on. But no matter which one you choose, Supertext has your back.
Greater complexity, lower quality
Language service providers (LSP) are used to working in a different TMS for each customer. Each new system increases complexity and costs, and decreases efficiency – not to mention quality. It’s no surprise that most LSPs try to persuade clients to work with their preferred system – though this is usually one that they’ve purchased and have little control over anyway.
The desire for an independent TMS
By contrast, many clients, especially those with an international outlook, prefer independent third-party systems that enable collaboration with multiple agencies, freelancers and internal resources. They don’t want to end up dependent on a single LSP, and often choose pure technology providers to supply their TMS instead.
Integration via the Supertext API
Like other LSPs, we favor using our own TMS to collaborate with clients. Unlike other LSPs, we developed it ourselves. This means that we can do everything from flexibly adapting our system to suit client needs, to developing made-to-measure solutions and portals, to quickly and easily integrating it into third-party systems via our REST API.
Our latest addition to the list of integrations is Smartling, which made its name as a technology company with its own TMS but forfeited its independence with the launch of its own translation service.
A win-win situation
Since the summer of 2019, Supertext clients who work with Smartling have been processing their translation and proofreading projects via our in-house integration tool. Our API connects with Smartling several times a day to deliver finished jobs and pick up new ones.
The main advantage: the integration mechanism groups small jobs (the norm for Smartling) into larger packages that can then be processed in other computer-aided translation tools. In Supertext’s case, that means SDL Trados. It does the same with Smartling’s translation memories, ensuring that we can take full advantage of the expertise and established processes we’ve built up over the years in our own TMS. And that the client can continue working in their preferred environment as well.
If you’d like to know more, get in touch with our technology team: CTO Rémy Blättler and project lead developer Andrew Jameson.
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