Travel is likely to remain difficult in 2021. But if you’d like some time off for a staycation, our system is now making things just a little less stressful. You can now designate one or more substitutes, who will be able to view and collect your pending orders. That way, your to-do list gets that much shorter and relaxation that much closer.
This is how it works
Log in to your Supertext account and select “Settings” from the dropdown menu in the top-right corner.
Designate a substitute. This can be one or several people from your company. All they need is a Supertext customer account. If they don’t have one yet, they can sign up for one in advance.
Your substitute’s account will now have a new tab under “Orders”: “Orders as substitute”.
What your substitute can do – and what they can’t
Your substitute gets access to all of your past and current orders, as well as any invoices that you have created. Substitutes can collect target documents, send feedback and order revisions. New texts and translations can only be ordered in their own name, however.
So that we don’t overwhelm your substitute with emails, they will not receive automatic notifications if one of your orders is ready for collection. They will need to log in before they can see the status of your orders. So you can leave them listed as your substitute in between absences.
Enjoy your break! If you’d like more information, Patricia Kamer is here to help.
Cover image by Crystal Sing via Twent20