An ever-widening target audience and externally driven changes in reporting make one thing certain. For anyone who wants to cut through the thicket of data and win over their stakeholders, clear communication is essential. Corporate publishers have a duty to consider: how do you ensure that reporting texts convey the correct message? One example is the new international standard for plain language.

Stricter regulations and growing reporting requirements mean that modern corporate reports include ever more text. Defining core messages and communicating them to stakeholders is therefore an increasing challenge for companies. But there’s a trick you can use to get to the heart of even the longest report: the kitchen message.

If you look at the 50 largest listed Swiss companies, it becomes clear that language diversity is decreasing. Half publish their annual reports in German and English, the other half only in English. Are translations no longer worthwhile? Or to put it another way, the costs are a drawback – but what are the perks?

Every company has a story. It starts with the founding, continues through the first shaky steps, and then comes to the flagship project. In corporate reporting, telling this story builds trust. But how do you tell it in a way that will captivate your audience? Business consultant Simon Sinek has a clear answer: start with “why”.

Which companies communicate most effectively with their shareholders? This question has gained a new dimension in 2020. For the first time, the Swiss Annual Report Rating is including “text quality” as a criterion in its rankings. But what exactly makes for a well-written report?