Is the only thing standing between you and your new international market a properly localized website? These five tips make conquering the world a breeze.

Super transcreators are as rare as unicorns. They need to understand marketing and copywriting, have deep knowledge of two languages and cultures, and write beautifully. Whether you’re a natural talent or want to hone your skills, here are a few tips and resources that may help.

People unfamiliar with Supertext’s MO are often bewildered by the somewhat ambitious-sounding title of “Language Manager”. What exactly do our language managers do and what sets them apart from project managers? And, most importantly, what advantages do they offer on a highly competitive translation market?

Post Editing Supertext

Neural machine translation (NMT): you either love it or hate it. But there’s simply no avoiding it if you want to stay on the ball in the translation and localization industry. This post will give you a taste of what post-editing involves.