This option is available for all Immomig® licenses. Translations (DE-FR-EN-IT-RU) can be ordered in just a few clicks, and the delivery deadline, scope and price are also all now available at a glance. This solution allows users to automatically export property descriptions managed in the Immomig® software, and have them quickly translated as required. They are then automatically re-imported and displayed online.
The collaboration process is just as simple: as soon as an order is submitted via the portal, the customer receives an order confirmation from Supertext indicating the delivery deadline, languages and cost, as well as the contact details of the project manager involved. The invoice is issued directly by Supertext or can be downloaded from the Supertext account.
For more information about this solution, please contact our Sales Manager Laura Fernández.
Supertext also offers integrations for other platforms including Drupal, WordPress, ns.publish’s Translate Plus, Adobe Experience Manage AEM and Hot Folder.
Image via Flickr: Bennilover – Homes for Sale (CC BY-ND 2.0)