
In April 2017, Innovate Pasadena’s Friday Coffee Meetup presented our CEO of Supertext USA, Inc, Kristy Sakai. Against the backdrop of Supertext’s launch in Silicon Valley in 2016, Kristy talked about the challenges companies face when expanding internationally. Here are the three main takeaways.

Kids and adults love them so; they may give you wings, or help you think different. Successful slogans promise a lot, but one thing is always guaranteed: they stick in our collective memory. So what exactly makes a good slogan unforgettable?

Besides content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) is the phrase on everyone’s lips. But what does it mean? How does it affect you and your company, and how can you use it? We’ll show you the basics.

Content marketing is the new buzzword in online marketing. Content, not advertising. You’re still selling something, but you’re making it sound like content, not an advert. We’ll explain what it is, how it works, and what it can do for you.